The Drakensberg Boys Choir School is a world-renowned choir school located in the Champagne Valley, just below Champagne Castle Hotel.
Having recently updated their concert schedule for 2020, we’re thrilled that they’ve included a few Fridays and Saturdays. This will give weekend guests from Champagne Castle Hotel the opportunity to see the Choir live.
Fame that Extends around the World
The Drakensberg Boys Choir is known for their perfection in the art of music. They specialise in a variety of genres such as jazz, pop and African music. The concerts are held in the the Ken Mackenzie auditorium which is on the schools property.
They’re one of the few South African Schools whose fame extends around the world, and offer a unique educational opportunity for boys; stimulating their spirit of adventure and exploration in the school’s beautiful surroundings, while nurturing the development of the mind and expression in innate musical talent.
The school is set on a 100Ha estate, and draws its inspiration from the majestic Drakensberg Mountains, a World Heritage Site in KwaZulu-Natal.
Hearing the Choir live in this setting is surely one of the purest musical delights in the world. It’s an experience not to be missed.
TripAdvisor Rating
The Choir Concerts are ranked on TripAdvisor as the number 1 ‘thing to do’ in the Champagne Valley.
If you’d like more information with regards to seeing the Drakensberg Boys Choir during your stay at Champagne Castle Hotel, please contact our Reception Team.