As technology becomes more and more prevalent, our guests are increasingly requesting access to GPS files to assist them with navigation while walking and hiking from the Hotel. Navigating the trails in the Central Drakensberg using a GPS can be very useful when exploring new trails. Not only does it help you to find your way, but it gives you peace of mind knowing that you have a device on you with directions and a map.

At the beginning of 2019 we embarked on a quest to provide a GPS solution for all of our guests at Champagne Castle Hotel.

We now have 12 trails available to follow:

  • Duiker Dam (1.4km)
  • Mike’s Path (1.34km)
  • Fern Forest (2.86km)
  • The Sphinx and Crystal Falls – we’ve joined these two together (6.4km)
  • BlindMans Corner (13.46km)
  • Sunset Trail (9.66km)
  • BlindMans Corner / Kirtland’s Pass (15.67km)
  • Carter Trail (11.21km)
  • 3 Waterfalls Trail (14.31km)
  • Nandi Falls from the Hotel (10.96km)
  • Robin Hood Grove (4.65km)
  • Ntunja / Gatberg (27.45km)

We then set out to find an App for guests who don’t have a dedicated GPS device, or don’t use a GPS App on their phones.

Having tested many Apps, we eventually decided on Wikiloc, for the following reasons:

  • Wikiloc is a fee app (there is a Premium version with extra features)
  • You can follow all of our trails for free.
  • Wikiloc has over 4.5 million members and over 12 million trails
  • With over 12 million trails recorded all over the world, Wikiloc has the potential to be useful once your stay at Champagne Castle Hotel is over.

Download Wikiloc

We’ve set up a Hiking Board at the Hotel with all the details on how to download and use the app, along with helpful information about each of the available trails.

If you’d like to download Wikiloc, it’s available for free on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store